Article 1: General Provisions
Section 1: Name
The name of this organization shall be the DeKalb County Democratic Committee, which may hereafter be referred to as "DCDC.” All members, officers, and subdivisions of the DCDC, and those seeking to participate in DCDC affairs, are subject to the DCDC Bylaws, and the Charter and Bylaws of the Democratic Party of Georgia, which may hereafter be referred to as the "State Party.”
Section 2: Governing Authority and Duties
2.1 DCDC is the governing authority of the Democratic Party of Georgia (the “Party”) in DeKalb County. It shall have countywide responsibility for the affairs of the DCDC.
2.2 Duties of DCDC shall be:
a. To elect State Committee members,
b. To promote development of DCDC activities,
c. To seek and encourage qualified candidates for public office,
d. To support Democratic nominees,
e. To perform such primary and election functions asrequired by law,
f. To promote and add logistical support to the State Affirmative Action Program,
g. To raise funds for the above purposes,
h. To perform such other duties as may be required by the State Committee,
i. To elect quality Democrats to public office,
j. To increase voter awareness and participation through effective communication, community outreach, and other strategies,
k. To oversee the expenditure of funds according to the budget adopted by DCDC,
l. To elect officers for DCDC,
m. To promote a positive image of the DCDC in the local community, and
n. To perform other such duties as deemed prudent and consistent with the provisions herein.
Article 2: Membership, Committee Districts, and Post Seat Holders
Section 1: Membership
1.1 Membership
A “DCDC Member” shall be any person over the age of 18, who resides in and is registered to vote in DeKalb County, and declares that they are a member of the Democratic Party as designated in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).
Section 2: County Committee Districts and Posts
2.1 County Committee Districts (Effective January 2025) the DCDC shall be organized according to a community based map. The map shall be approved first by the executive committee followed by a majority of the steering committee. Any future modifications to the map will require a majority vote approval by the Steering Committee. These communities will be allotted Post Seats Holders according to the following population ratio:

2.2 Community District Chairs
a. Community District Chairs shall be selected by each Community District from among its Post Seat Holders via caucus.
b. Community District Chairs shall represent their Community District on the Steering Committee.
c. Community District Chairs shall organize regular meetings of the PSHs and other volunteers (e.g. Precinct Captains and Block Captains) in the district.
d. Community District Chairs shall be subject to the same requirements as other PSHs.
e. In the event that a Community District has no Chair or PSHs, the DCDC Chair shall appoint a Community District Chair from among the members residing in the district that have declared themselves to be a Democrat and been vetted using the protocol established in the Standard Operating Procedure.
Section 3: Post Seat Holders (PSH)
3.1 Election of PSHs.
a. Post Seat holders shall be voting members of the DCDC as defined in
section 3.5.
b. The DCDC Steering Committee, which is defined in Article 4, shall call for a biennial, coordinated special business meeting for the purpose of holding PSH elections all at the same time, date, and/or location.
c. Notice of these elections shall be given as provided by law or by Democratic Party of GA regulations.
d. Even-numbered Post Seats shall be elected following a Gubernatorial election year and odd-numbered Post Seats shall be elected following a Presidential election year.
e. Elections shall take place no later than February following the General Election.
f. The method of election shall be by County District Caucus.
g. Only DCDC Members as defined in Article 2, Section 1 who reside in a particular district shall caucus and vote for a PSH candidate from that district.
3.2 Filling Vacant PSH Seats
a. Remaining Post Seat Holders shall caucus to nominate and elect a new PSH to fill any vacant posts.
b. At each general body meeting, Community District Chairs shall announce the elected replacement to fill any vacant posts.
c. A qualified candidate for a PSH seat must live in the Community District and be vetted using the protocol established in the GA Democratic Party by-laws and the DCDC Standard Operating Procedure.
d. Only Members who reside in a particular district shall vote for a PSH candidate from that district.
e. PSH shall take office on the 1st day of the 1st month after their election and shall serve for the remainder of the current term.
3.3 PSH Requirements
a. PSH shall attend a minimum of two-thirds of general body meetings each year.
b. Additional absences may be excused by the District Chair.)
c. Each PSH shall, within their respective districts, coordinate DCDC affairs and assist in the election of Democrats to local, state and national office.
d. PSH shall serve in either a unique role on the Community District committee as defined by their HD Chair (e.g. newsletter editor, Vice Chair, City Council liaison) and/or on an established county subcommittee as defined in Article 10.
e. PSH shall be removed through the removal protocol as defined in Article 6, Section 3.
f. PSH shall vacate the post seat upon being sworn into elected public office.
3.4 Ex Officio PSH
a. Ex Officio PSH shall include the following:
i. All elected officers of the DCDC Executive Team.
ii. All of the winners selected in the most recent DeKalb County Democratic
primary elections, including but not limited to, the offices of GA State Senate,
GA State House of Representatives, and DeKalb County Board of Commissioners.
iii. Presidents (or their designees) of the DeKalb County Young Democrats, Democratic Women of DeKalb County, DeKalb County Chapter of the Stonewall Democrats, the LGBTQ+ Caucus, the African American Caucus, and any other Democratic Party of Georgia with a DeKalb County affiliate.
b. Ex Officio PSH shall serve until their successors are elected, appointed, or their positions abolished.
c. Ex Officio PSH who occupy a post seat before being elected to public office shall vacate the post seat upon being sworn into elected public office.
d. Ex Officio PSH shall fulfill the requirements of Post Seat Holders as specified in
Article 2,
Section 3.3.
3.5 Voting Members
a. Voting Members of DCDC shall include and be limited to Post Seat Holders or their designated alternate, Ex Officio Post Seat Holders, and DCDC Officers.
b. Only Voting Members shall be allowed to vote on DCDC business.
c. No voting member shall be entitled to more than one vote.
d. Votes shall not be taken by secret ballot at any meeting.
Article 3: Committee Officers and Elections
Section 1: Officers
1.1 DCDC Officers
a. The officers of DCDC shall consist of the Chair, a First Vice Chair, a Second Vice Chair, a Third Vice Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
b. The officers shall constitute the Executive Committee and shall act on behalf of the DCDC between meetings.
c. All members of the Executive Committee shallserve two-year terms.
d. Officers elected mid-term to fill vacancies will finish out the remainder of the existing term only.
e. Any Officer, District Chair, or Subcommittee Chair who declares their candidacy for public office will be considered to have concurrently resigned their respective leadership position within the DCDC but will retain their Post Seat.
f. All other sub-committee chairs and members, elected or appointed at any time, shall serve at the pleasure of the Chair.
1.2 DCDC Officer Duties
a. The Chair shall have overall responsibility for DCDC affairs including:
i. Serving as the official spokesperson or designating an officialspokesperson for the DCDC;
ii. Presiding over all meetings of the DCDC, Executive Committee, Steering Committee, and Special Meetings;
iii. Jointly with the Treasurer or Secretary, having legal authority to sign all written contracts and obligations with prior approval of the County committee;
iv. Calling meetings of the officers and committee Chairs in order to coordinate the plans of the DCDC;
v. Authorizing expenditure of any funds up to the amount of five hundred dollars ($500) which was not an expenditure in the budget adopted by the county committee;
vi. Assigning committee and committeesto members of the Executive Committee for coordination and supervision;
vii. Appointing committee chairs; and
viii. Making official statements as to the activities of the DCDC or its standing committees.
b. The First Vice-Chair shall have responsibility for:
i. Ensuring compliance with State Party Charter and Bylaws; compliance and
updating of County Committee Bylaws; parliamentary procedure in all body
conducted by the County Committee;
ii. Coordinating and supervising the activities of committees as assigned by the Chair;
iii. Carrying out other duties as the Chair deems fit; and
iv. Assuming the roles of the Chair in the absence of the Chair and shall have the authority, powers and duties of the Chair in such circumstances.
c. The Second Vice-Chair shall have responsibility for:
i. Administering all DCDC elections except for those wherein the Second Vice-Chair is a candidate;
ii. Coordinating and supervising the activities of committees as assigned by the Chair;
iii. Carrying out other duties as the Chair deems fit; and
iv. Assuming the roles of the First Vice-Chair in the absence of the First Vice-Chair and shall have the authority, powers and duties of the First Vice-Chair in such circumstances.
d. The Third Vice-Chair have responsibility for:
i. Coordinating and supervising the activities of committees and subcommittees as assigned by the Chair;
ii. Carrying out other duties as the Chair deems fit; and
iii. Assuming the roles of the Second Vice-Chair in the absence of the Second
Vice-Chair and shall have the authority, powers and duties of the Second
Vice-Chair in such circumstances.
e. The Secretary shall have responsibility for:
i. Keeping and maintaining all records of the County Committee including minutes, membership list and inventory;
ii. Taking minutes at all County Committee and Executive Committee meetings and for presenting those minutes at the succeeding meetings of those respective groups;
iii. Serving all notices required by the DCDC Bylaws;
iv. Assisting the Chair to set the agenda for general body meetings;
v. Creating candidate affidavits and other documents as required by the Chair or these By-Laws;
vi. Turning over all records and access belonging to DCDC that may be in their possession upon the taking of office by a successor; and
vii. Representing the DCDC at the Board of Elections for the purposes of Primary and General election qualification.
f. The Treasurer shall have responsibility for:
i. General supervision and custody of all DCDC funds and securities;
ii. Overseeing the collection of all accounts receivable;
iii. Overseeing the payment of all debts after authorization by DCDC;
iv. Maintaining a set of books showing necessary information to the account for receipt and disposition of all funds;
v. Maintaining the financial records using generally accepted accounting principles and practices;
vi. Maintaining the budget of DCDC;
vii. Ensuring the finances are audited at least annually;
viii. Organizing and supervising the activities of the Budget and Finance
ix. and shall perform those other duties inherent to the office of Treasurer.
x. The Treasurer is authorized to issue checks by their signature alone.
1.3 Officer Elections
a. DCDC shall elect from its Members (Article 2, Section 1.1) a Chair, a First Vice Chair, a Second Vice Chair, a Third Vice Chair, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
b. DCDC shall elect officers no later than December 31 of even numbered years.
c. Officers shall take office the 1st day of January following the election.
d. The new Chair shall immediately upon taking office notify the State Committee Chair and appropriate Congressional District Chair of their election.
1.4 Officer Election Procedures
a. Individuals seeking election to an officer position shall notify via written or electronic notice the current Chair or Election Chair at least seven days prior to the election.
b. Election of officers shall be by signed ballot and shall require a simple majority.
c. In the event that no candidate achieves a simple majority in the first round of voting, the two candidates who receive the greatest number of votes will move to a run-off election.
d. Elections of officers will proceed in order from Chair, to First Vice Chair, to Second Vice Chair, to Third Vice Chair, to Secretary, to Treasurer.
e. A candidate who runs for a position and loses their election may seek a floor nomination for any subsequent position.
f. Elections of officers will be conducted by either of the two immediate past Chairs, or in their absence, a Congressional District Chair.
Article 4: Steering Committee
Section 1: Composition
1.1 The Steering Committee will be composed of:
a. DCDC Officers
b. Chairs of each Community District;
c. Chairs of the standing committees;
d. Presidents of DeKalb County affiliate organizations ortheir designees:
a. Democratic Women’s Caucus,
b. Young Democrats,
c. LGBTQ+ Caucus,
d. Stonewall Democrats,
e. African American Caucus,
f. and any other Democratic Party of Georgia Caucus with a DeKalb County affiliate.
e. Chairs of the DeKalb Democratic delegations of the Georgia State House and Senate or their representatives;
f. The most recent nominees for all Congressional Districts overlapping DeKalb County; and
g. The most recent Democratic nominee for DeKalb County Chief Executive Officer.
Section 2: Steering Committee Responsibilities
2.1 It will be the duty and responsibility of the Steering Committee to be the long-range planning body of the DCDC, and to carry out such activities as will include, but not be limited to, the following:
a. Initiate and recommend operating policies of DCDC;
b. Review the recommendations of all committeesfor consideration by DCDC;
c. Review and recommend the strategy and budget for DCDC consideration; and
d. Call for a bi-annual coordinated special business meeting for the purposes of holding PSH elections all at the same time, date, and/or location.
2.2 All recommendations by the Steering Committee must be passed by the DCDC membership.
Section 3: Steering Committee Voting Members
3.1 Voting Members of the Steering Committee shall be limited to the Executive Committee, the Community District Chairs, and the Chairs of the standing committees.
Article 5: State Committee Membership & Election
Section 1: State Committee Elections
1.1 DCDC shall elect its apportioned number of members to the State Committee from among the residents of DeKalb County at a time specified by the Georgia Democratic Party.
1.2 The number of apportioned seats shall be divided evenly among the regular County Commission districts with any remainder being equally split between Super-Districts.
1.2 The DCDC may elect someone who is not a member of the DCDC to the State Committee.
1.3 State Committee members shall be elected at either a general body meeting or one specifically called for this purpose.
1.4 All persons desiring to be candidates for the State Committee must sign an affidavit as provided by the Secretary.
1.6 DCDC members resident within each of the regular County Commissions district shall caucus and nominate their apportioned candidates for State Committee. Then County Committee members resident within each County Commission super-district shall caucus and nominate their apportioned candidates.
1.7 The County Committee shall vote to approve or reject each of the nominees in turn. Should any nominee be rejected by the full County Committee, the regular or super-district which nominated him or her shall re-caucus and produce a new nominee for the full County Committee’s consideration.
1.8 All votes shall be by signed ballots or digital equivalent.
1.9 Within one week of the election, the County Chair shall certify to the State Committee Chair the names, addresses, emails and phone numbers of those persons elected as members of the State Committee and will file their candidacy affidavits with the Congressional District Chair.
Section 2: State Committee Member Duties
2.1 State Committee membersshall attend all called meetings of the State Committee.
2.2 A State Committee member can be removed by the County Committee after two unexcused absences. In this event, the Chair shall call a new election to replace the removed member.
2.3 Within thirty (30) days, not to exceed sixty (60) days, after a State Committee meeting, a designated State Committee member shall present a report to the DCDC general body meeting. Refer to the Standard Operating Procedure for report creation and delivery.
Article 6: Vacancies and Removal
Section 1: Vacancies
1.1 All vacancies in PSH, officers, or state committee members shall be filled for the duration of the remaining term by a special election.
Section 2: Removal Procedure for Officers and State Committee Members
2.1 Officers and State Committee Members may be removed by DCDC for cause by a 2/3 vote of the Voting Members, provided a quorum are present.
2.2 Any person subject to removal shall receive written or electronic notice of the alleged reasons for removal.
2.3 If contested by the person subject to removal, the removal procedure shall be
conducted by a subcommittee appointed by the Chair. Where the Chair is the subject of the removal procedure, the subcommittee shall be appointed by a majority of the other officers.
2.4 The person to be removed shall have the right to be informed of all persons who will be witnesses against them and who will testify in support of the charges against them at least ten (10) days prior to a hearing on said charges before the DCDC.
2.5 The person to be removed shall have the right to counsel and to present all witnesses, documents, and arguments in support of their position. The committee which has tendered the charges may likewise have counsel and present witnesses, documents, and arguments in support of its position.
Section 3: Removal Procedure for Post Seat Holders
3.1 PSH shall be removed by DCDC for non-participation if they fail to attend 3 consecutive general body meetings without notifying their District Chair or 4 consecutive general body meetings, regardless of notifying their District Chair. PSH shall also be removed if they miss greater than 1⁄3 of the total general body meetings in a given year.
3.2 Any PSH considered for removal for non-participation shall be subject to review by the District Chair and the Executive Committee to determine the viability of continued participation.
3.3 The person to be removed shall be informed of this review at least ten (10) days prior.
3.4 The PSH in question may be present during said review to state their case.
3.5 Should the Executive Committee and Chair decide that the seat in question should be declared vacant, the PSH shall be provided with written notification of the decision.
3.6 Vacant PSH positions shall be filled as determined by Article 2 Section 3.2.
Article 7: Financial Administration
7.1 The County Committee shall have a fiscal year commencing January 1 and ending December 31.
7.2 The Treasurer shall present an annual budget to the County Committee at a general body meeting prior to March 1. A majority vote of County Committee members present, given that a quorum has been established, is required to approve the proposed budget. The budget may be amended by a majority vote of County Committee members present, given that a quorum has been established.
7.3 Non-budgeted expenditures exceeding the amount of $500 or more must be approved by a majority vote of the Steering Committee, provided a quorum has been reached.
7.4 Financial reports (income statement, budget vs actuals, account balances) shall be presented to the County Committee by the Treasurer at a minimum of quarterly during regularly scheduled general body meetings.
7.5 DCDC shall maintain records of all financial transactions, kept on a calendar year basis, and a list of unpaid obligations.
7.6 The Treasurer is authorized to issue checks by their signature alone. The only other Officers with check signing authority shall be the Chair and First Vice-Chair who are authorized to issue checks against DCDC treasury only in the absence of the treasurer or their inability to act because of illness or disability.
7.7 Financial records shall be audited each year with a report provided to the County Committee no later than the 3rd Quarter meeting following the end of the organization year.
Article 8: Transitions, Records, and Certification
8.1 The transition process aims to maintain the organization's stability and effectiveness during the leadership change.
8.1.1 The outgoing Secretary shall transfer all necessary records and provide support to the incoming Executive Committee to ensure a smooth transition.
8.1.2 The outgoing officers shall cooperate with the incoming officers to facilitate the handover of duties and responsibilities.
8.2 The County Committee shall file a list of membership, all rules, regulations, by-laws and other such certification documents in accordance with State Committee By-laws.
Article 9: Meetings and Voting
9.1 Regular Meetings. DCDC shall meet regularly for a general body meeting at least once per quarter. The Chair may call special meetings.
9.2 Meeting Cancellation. Where meetings are not held in a previously designated time and place, PSH will be provided written or electronic notice at least 10 days in advance.
9.3 Emergency meetings may be called by the Chair upon 5 days’ notice.
9.3 Quorum. A quorum for conduct of DCDC business shall be 30 PSH, unless otherwise required in these Bylaws.
9.4 Only currently serving Voting Members as established in Article 2, Section 3.5 are eligible to vote in DCDC general body meetings and elections. Party Members who are NOT PSH have no standing to vote in any election or business reserved for the County Committee.
9.5 In the event that a duly elected PSH is absent during a vote, a duly elected alternate for that corresponding HD may be appointed by the HD Chair during that meeting to vote in the place of the absent PSH.
9.6 No person shall be entitled to more than one vote.
9.7 No proxy voting is allowed.
9.8 All meetings of each body of DCDC will be open to the public unless DCDC votes to go into Executive Session.
9.9 Unless otherwise provided for, Robert’s Rules of Order most recently revised shall guide the conduct of all meetings, including voting requirements for the passage of bills and referendums by the body.
Article 10: Subcommittees
10.1 DCDC shall provide for a Diversity and Inclusion (Affirmative Action) subcommittee in compliance with the Democratic Party of Georgia bylaws.
10.2 The Chair shall establish an Audit subcommittee annually for the purpose of fulfilling DCDC’s audit obligations as established in Article 7.6.
10.3 At a minimum, the following standing committees should be appointed by the Chair: By-Laws, Budget & Finance, Candidate Development, Communications, Diversity & Inclusion, Election Procedure, Fundraising, GOTV, Membership Development, Party Organization, Policy & Legislative, Special Events, and Technology.
10.3.1 The subcommittees shall be overseen by the following Executive Committee
members unless otherwise determined by the Chair.
10.3.2 Subcommittee assignments:
Chair- By-laws and Fundraising
1st Vice - Communication, Special Events, and Policy &Legislative
2nd Vice - GOTV, Candidate Development, Election Data, and Election Procedure
3rd Vice - Membership Development, Party Organization, and Diversity &
Treasurer- Budget& Finance
Secretary - Technology
10.3.3 The Chair may reassign subcommittees based on the expertise of the Executive Committee members and/or the subcommittee’s workload by providing written notice to the DCDC within 30-days of the change.
10.4 The Chair may establish any other subcommittees deemed necessary.
Article 11: General Provisions
11.1 There shall be no discrimination in the conduct of DCDC affairs on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, genderidentity, race, religion, color, handicap, national origin, or age.
11.2 No Officer or Subcommittee Chair position shall use their office to support any
Democratic candidate who has opposition during a primary or Democratic opposition during a special election. However, Officers and Subcommittee Chairs may use their personal resources to support a candidate.
11.3 No PSH shall publicly support another candidate other than the Democratic nominee in a General Election. Such action constitutes cause for removal.
11.4 The endorsement of, support of, or contribution to a candidate of another party or to an opponent of the Democratic nominee may result in the expulsion of such person from DCDC.
11.5 Any DCDC Officer who accepts a paid position for a Democratic Candidate must disclose their role to the DCDC Steering Committee.
11.6 Any DCDC contributions to a candidate for public office shall be accompanied by a cover letter, which will state in substance, “This contribution is made on the express condition that, after election, you remain a member of the Democratic Party. Your acceptance and/or use of this contribution is your acknowledgment and contract that should you win election yet at any time prior to the end of your term change parties or leave the Democratic Party, you will repay these amounts.”
11.7 DCDC shall seek reimbursement of any contribution, whether real or in-kind, made to a candidate who qualifies for office as a Democrat and, after qualification, switches to another party.
11.8 The Chair speaks for the DeKalb County Democratic Committee to the media and the Public; no other Committee Member can speak for the Committee unless designated as a surrogate by the Chair.
11.9 Appointed positions. Appointments shall expire with the terms of office of the
Appointing Officer.
11.10 DCDC may recognize and allow affiliation of such county organizations as it deems appropriate.
Article 12: Amendments
12.1 These Bylaws may be amended at any DCDC meeting by a 2/3 vote of Voting Members present, provided at least 10 days written or electronic notice of said amendments has been provided to all PSH and a quorum has been met.
12.2 Upon adoption, these By-laws amend and replace any prior versions of the DCDC bylaws.
DeKalb County Democratic Committee